Explore Kumamoto

Shirakawa Source

Shirakawa Source

Also known as the Shirakawa Suigen 白川水源 in Japanese, this is the most well-known of a cluster of mineral water springs that bubble up in the southern part of the Aso region called ‘Minami Aso’.

Famed as one of the top 100 springs in Japan many people gather here to bottle the spring water, scoops and funnels are provided and the small shops near the source sell plastic bottles in a variety of sizes. This is the spring that produces the mighty Shirakawa (White River), which flows through Kumamoto City, at first sight it looks deceptively calm and serene. In fact 60 tons of water are bubbling up here every single minute.

The spring setting itself is a peaceful green oasis overlooked by the fountainhead shrine, the spring itself rising in a crystal clear pool with flourishing water plants and gently rising bubbles. The power of the spring is revealed as it flows over the side of the pool and rushes noisily away.

Entrance to the Shirakawa Source costs 100 Yen.

Shirakawa suigen

The reason why Minami Aso is so blessed with natural springs is because of the rainwater which flows through the central volcanic cones of Aso and from the hills of the southern caldera rim. Rainfall collects underground and becomes trapped because of an impermeable layer of solid clay and lava. At low points in the ground level springs can bubble up above the surface. The whole process from rainfall to spring water takes as long as 30 years. Minami Aso has 11 different springs each one varying in mineral content and quality due to the great variation in substrate mineral deposits. Maps of the springs are available and a popular activity is to cycle around the Minami Aso area to visit them all.

Travel Advice

Save money and bring your own empty bottles.

Pick up some good quality, freshly picked produce and local pickles from the Honesty box stalls that you find on the path to the spring. Everything costs 100 Yen unless otherwise stated.

If you fancy making your own washi paper, do that first at the shop by the entrance to the source, then visit the spring while your washi paper is drying.

Check out the local souvenirs and produce including an intersting health drink of giant hornets in alcohol at the shop by the main road.

Explore Kumamoto includes a visit to the Shirakawa Source as part of an Around Aso tour, contact Explore Kumamoto now to find out more.
