Arao area
About the Arao area
Arao 荒尾市 is a small city right at the top of Kumamoto prefecture, situated about 45 minutes by train from Kumamoto City, with a population of around 50,000. The Arao area has several sights worth seeing including a world heritage sight. Arao was famed as a mining town, however, when the pit closed in the 1990’s the population of the city declined rapidly. Recently the Miike Coal Mine, was listed as a World Heritage Site. Arao is also home to a popular theme park in Kyushu; Mitsui Greenland。
The towns of Tamana 玉名市 and Nagomi 和水町 border Arao. The Kikuchi river runs through Tamana and at one time it was a very prosperous trading area. These days it is well known for its pungent Tamana ramen and its iris festival held in early summer.

Nagomi town is known for its ancient tumuli , known as kofun in Japanese, and the craft village of Higo Minkamura. Located by the Kikuchi river there are a variety of traditional buildings, some of which operate as workshops for local craftsmen. There is also a museum about the Eta Funayama kofun and its treasures.
In terms of nature, Arao’s coastal mud flats have protected Ramsar status due to its unique ecological habitat and important feeding grounds for a variety of water birds.
Arao is also home to another rare breed, a traditional Japanese swordsmith who allows you to visit his workshop.

Samurai swords Tour
The Samurai Swords Tour; a unique chance to talk to and see a famous swordsmith at work, watch a display of sword cutting skills and learn how to wield a real katana yourself.

Arao’s well known products are the Arao Nashi – a large, sweet Japanese pear which fruits from late summer to early autumn and the traditional Shoudai Pottery, a type of stonewear which has been produced in the area for over a thousand years.

Places to visit in the Arao area
Below are activities and sights you can explore in and around the Arao area including the neighbouring town of Nagomi area. Click on the picture links to find out more. If you are interested in visiting any of these places on a customised guided tour contact Explore Kumamoto for a quote.